Yearly Archives: 2018

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Soldier intends to file for child custody of non-biological baby

In many circumstances, when a man learns he is not the biological father of a spouse’s child, he might be expected to file for a divorce and walk away. However, there are cases when a…

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Military life and deployment take toll which can lead to divorce

The decision to marry while one or both spouses are in the military can be a difficult undertaking. When one spouse is left behind during deployments to raise the family,…

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Who retains the Matisse when the marriage ends?

Not every couple has one or more original works of art gracing the walls of their home. But for those that do, the pieces represent as significant hurdle for equitable…

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A prenup in everyone’s interests

When you read the term “prenuptual agreement,” the first images which come to mind are likely negative. Isn’t that all about shielding assets and cheating your partner before the marriage…

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Federal agency announces updates to child support system

Recently, the federal Office of Child Support Enforcement announced several updates it has made to its system that impact employers throughout the country, including Colorado. According to its records, approximately…

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Splitting retirement accounts in divorce requires skill; finesse

One of the greatest points of contention for couples who are divorcing is money and how to divide it. The division of marital assets, especially retirement accounts, takes careful planning…

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A Colorado couple fights over frozen assets in a divorce dispute

For many couples who have fought to get pregnant, fertility treatment is a miracle worker. Assisted reproductive technology is as costly financially as it is emotionally. Failure can bring some…

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Fox News anchor served with divorce papers after alleged affair

Life in the spotlight often comes with its share of negative publicity and reports of alleged misdeeds. When those accusations appear to be based on truth, then a marriage may well end…

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The basics of interstate custody arrangements

For divorced or unmarried parents living in separate states, navigating child custody arrangements can be difficult. The reasons are varied, perhaps one parent moved to another state for work, or…

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There are tips that can make a divorce filing less difficult

When a couple concludes that a marriage is no longer viable, both may feel overwhelmed and uncertain how to proceed. There are some measures that each can take that may make a divorce less taxing on…

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Be careful to avoid several divorce misconceptions

The decision to end a marriage may have come after discussions with close friends or other loved ones. However, it may be best to avoid unsolicited advice when seeking to…

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Discussing possibility of divorce before marriage can save assets

Business owners with young family members may worry how a future marriage could have a negative impact on their hard work. That is the reason many proactive parents look for opportunities…

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How the new tax law affects alimony

The new tax reform law took effect on January 1, 2018. For couples considering divorce, one change in particular might be of great interest: Alimony deductions will end. Out with…

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Military divorce requires knowledge of state and military laws

Married life presents may challenges, especially when one or both partners are active duty service members. When a marriage becomes unsustainable, the process of seeking a military divorce also comes with a…

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Modifying your divorce decree

Your life has probably changed completely since your divorce. You may have a new home, a new schedule, and maybe a new focus on your career. There may even be…

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Program praised for help it provides to domestic violence victims

Those who are in an abusive relationship often feel that they have no place to turn for meaningful help. There are many types of abuse, and victims of domestic violence…

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Many states push for more equal child custody agreements

Even though the 1950’s show called Father Knows Best was a popular program back in its day, the adage did not usually apply when it came time for judges to…

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A new year often heralds a new start with a winter divorce filing

The tagline for diamond advertisements is that diamonds are forever, possibly as a lure for couples who are entertaining thoughts of getting married. Unfortunately, though the divorce rate has purportedly slowed over…

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Accurate valuation of business vital during divorce

There are countless numbers of Colorado residents who have spent years building a business from the ground up. It can seem like a cruel twist of fate when the survival…

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Divorce may result in some financial advantages

A demise of a marriage is seldom a happy event and usually comes with significant emotional and monetary struggles. There are times, though, when a divorce filing can result in a few…

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How does emotional abuse tie in with domestic violence?

Spousal abuse is a pervasive issue that affects men and women of all races, income levels and social standing. Each year in Colorado and elsewhere, thousands of people fear for…

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