Author Archives: Krystal Woodbury

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Why You Should Hire a Military Attorney for Your Court-Martial in Colorado

If you are in the U.S. military and are court-martialed, you are facing serious charges that could have life-altering consequences. You will need a reliable, knowledgeable defense attorney to represent…

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Military Protective Order Process in Colorado (2024 Updated)

Navigating the complexities of legal protections for those in the military concerning their interactions with civilians can be a challenge. The military protective order process in Colorado was designed as…

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How To Upgrade Your Discharge or Correct Your Official Military Record 2024

Former service members who have experienced a dishonorable or other than honorable (OTH) discharge from the military may seek a military record correction, including an upgrade of their discharge classification.…

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Administrative Separation in US Military (2024) – All You Need to Know

Administrative separation (sometimes called AdSep for short) is one of the legal instruments used in the US Military Justice system, serving as a mechanism to address misconduct, unsatisfactory performance, or…

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Special Court-Martial in US Military (2024) – All You Need to Know

Military justice cases, even relatively routine or minor ones, can have serious consequences for the service members involved. When an offense that would be a misdemeanor in the civilian world…

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General Court-Martial in US Military (2024) – All You Need to Know

Military service members can face unique challenges when they encounter legal issues or criminal charges. This is due to the fact that military courts have completely separate processes and regulations…

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Types of Court-Martial in US Military (2024)

Whenever a member of the United States military is charged with a crime, the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) will dictate which criminal justice procedures apply to their case…

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2024 How to Find the Best Military Defense Attorney in Colorado

Military law may look somewhat like civilian law to the untrained eye, but the reality is that it can be incredibly complex, nuanced, and very different from civilian law. If…

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2024 Colorado DUI Laws and Penalties – A Complete Guide

Alcohol and other drugs severely impair your ability to drive safely. They negatively affect coordination, good judgment, reaction time, and focus. The outcome of driving while under the influence of…

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FIREARMS LEGAL ALERT: United States v. Rahimi: A Landmark Ruling Impacting Firearms Convictions and Restrictions Following Domestic Violence Issues

Introduction: In a groundbreaking decision on February 2, 2024, the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit significantly altered the legal landscape within the Fifth Circuit surrounding firearms…

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Navigating your upcoming income tax return after divorce

If your divorce was finalized last year, you’ll need to take some extra time with your 2022 income tax return. There will likely be a number of changes. You’ll probably…

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What are mitigating factors in sentencing?

When a trial ends in a conviction, that doesn’t mean your defense is over. You can give the court good reason to be lenient with you by providing evidence that…

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You can control when your heirs actually inherit

Leaving financial assets to your heirs can be difficult. Maybe you do want them to inherit some of your wealth, but you’re just not sure that the time is right.…

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3 myths about divorce

Divorce rates may be on the decline, but it is still very common in the United States. Most people know others who have been divorced, and many have been divorced…

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Can you choose to disinherit certain family members?

Some people have a sense of entitlement when it comes to the property of their family members. Children and grandchildren frequently develop expectations based on what they think certain property…

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3 way you might challenge the evidence in a criminal case

If your criminal case goes to court, the prosecution must present evidence to back up their claims that you are guilty. They may also use any evidence they have to…

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How can you practice self-care in a divorce?

Divorce can take a huge emotional toll on people. When you are busy trying to handle a divorce while also holding down a job and running a household, you can…

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3 hidden costs of a DUI conviction

If the police charge you with driving under the influence (DUI), you should not just take it on the chin. There are many ways to contest these charges, and you…

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How does memory affect criminal cases?

What someone remembers, or says they remember, could be crucial in convicting someone of a crime. People often assume that what an eyewitness says must be accurate, which can lead…

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3 tips for handling custody during the holidays

The first holiday season after a divorce can be challenging, even more so if you have kids. Most children enjoy the Christmas holidays, and you won’t want to disappoint your…

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3 estate planning mistakes to avoid

Mistakes in your estate plan can cause a lot of problems for your family and also perhaps for you. Let’s look at the kind of mistakes people commonly make. The…

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Roles of trust you need to allocate in an estate plan

Implementing your estate plan requires the help of several people. Or perhaps one person who can take on various roles. A financial power of attorney They can do things like…

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3 reasons to tell your family about your estate plan

You might want to keep the details of your estate plan to yourself. Many people do. Yet it is typically best to share at least some details with your family. Here are…

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4 sets of people to tell about your divorce

You might not feel like shouting about your pending divorce from the rooftops. Yet, you should think about telling a few key people. These are people who can help you…

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