Yearly Archives: 2021

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What happens if your ex denies that he is your child’s father?

Not all people in Colorado are married when they have children. Sometimes an unmarried woman becomes pregnant. If she and the child’s purported father are no longer in a relationship…

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21st century divorce: the often huge impact of social media

Does it make any sense for an impending ex-spouse to willingly invite public scrutiny of his or her divorce details? Most individuals working their way through the dissolution process in…

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Marital reassessments could be a factor in spike of gray divorce

In Colorado and across the nation, people are adapting to the different landscape in various ways. For couples who were suddenly spending more time together than they were previously accustomed…

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Whether your marriage is official affects if you can get divorced

Before you can get divorced, you must first be married. Everyone knows this, and almost everyone knows if they are married or not. Almost — but not everyone. For example,…

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The right approach to family law issues in Colorado

Any of our readers in Colorado who have been involved in a legal issue in their lives knows how personal these matters can get. However, a family law issue can…

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Bill and Melinda Gates divorce highlights a rise in gray divorce

Divorce can be difficult at any age but divorcing later in life can have its own set of challenges. The rate of ‘gray divorce’ or divorce after the age of…

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Signs that nesting won’t work for your family

Going through a divorce involves a lot of commotion and newness for both parents and their little ones. However, taking steps to ease the transition and consciously co-parent can make…

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Millennials love the prenup

The millennial generation has embraced a once taboo marital agreement. The prenuptial agreement or “prenup” is a contract between two soon to married parties that delineates how the couple’s assets…

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Legal separation: an available alternative to divorce in Colorado

For married couples in Highlands Ranch whose relationship is no longer working but for whom divorce is not an option, legal separation could be the right alternative. In a way,…

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How is child support enforced in Colorado?

Child support enforcement is an important tool to ensure children receive the support they need. Parents have an obligation to financially support their children which is enforced in a variety…

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How can you prepare your finances for a divorce?

When divorce is inevitable, you must start to consider your finances. One of the biggest hurdles for couples is to split assets and debts during the divorce process. Nerdwallet provides…

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What factors will courts consider when allocating parenting time?

When parents in Colorado divorce, they may be concerned about how much time they will get to spend with their child post-divorce. The idea that the child might not be…

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Understanding Colorado spousal support

When a marriage ends, one spouse may pay the other spousal support or maintenance. The couple can agree on a fair maintenance arrangement together or ask the court to decide.…

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Protecting your business in divorce

With nearly half of all marriages ending up in divorce at some point, many people face the complications that arise from decisions over the division of marital property. For the…

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Same-sex marriage rights bolstered under new court ruling

Last month, The Supreme Court of Colorado expanded the definition of common-law marriage. This ruling gives same-sex couples additional opportunities to qualify for married status. As a result of the…

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Can I get a post-decree modification if I move after divorce?

When a divorce becomes final, both ex-spouses are free to begin a new life, and this usually includes new relationships and new locations. Most Americans relocate 12 times during their…

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Should you explore the benefits of a postnuptial agreement?

Most people understand the premise of prenuptial agreements. But far fewer understand the reasons for postnuptial agreements — or even know that they exist.  While a prenuptial agreement, also called…

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Updating your estate plan after divorce

Ending a marriage and creating two new, independent futures can feel like a daunting task. From determining support amounts to dividing assets and debts, the divorcing couple can feel overwhelmed…

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Understanding alternative dispute resolution

Many people know that if they have a legal dispute, it may require them to go to court to resolve it. They may not be aware, however, that there is…

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Equitable property division basics in Colorado

There are two primary ways that property is commonly divided during divorce and different states followed different methods. Colorado is referred to as an equitable property division state and what that means…

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What factors are used to determine custody in Colorado?

Going through a divorce in Colorado is not an easy process. There are major decisions that they must make as they separate their shared life into two lives. This involves…

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Key considerations relevant to Colorado parenting plans

No divorce in Colorado is a carbon copy of another. Marital dissolution is a flatly personalized and differentiated experience for participants in every instance. The bottom line central to divorce…

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Can your spouse hide assets from you in divorce?

Property division and the prospect of dividing shared finances into two households can be a challenging aspect of divorce for many couples. Unfortunately, this challenging process can become increasingly complex…

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