Former celebrity couple settles child custody fight amicably

Anyone who follows the ups and downs of the lives of celebrities is well aware that many of these relationships do not end well. In fact, media sources seem full of articles chronicling the seemingly endless child custody battles and accusations of poor parenting decisions. Unfortunately, these are not uncommon issues, and there are likely many Colorado families who have also struggled to resolve these problems in a manner that will best serve their children.

Several months ago, Robin Thicke and his former wife, actress Paula Patton, were embroiled in a contentious custody battle over their now 7-year-old son. After the couple divorced in 2015, a judge granted them shared custody. However, over the ensuing months, both parties leveled accusations against the other that included purported abusive behavior and alleged kidnapping allegations. Several months ago, a judge had granted a temporary restraining order against Thicke, based on testimony offered by Patton that allowed only supervised visits with his son.

However, the former couple announced that they have arrived at a joint custody agreement that will best suit their young son’s needs. Legal paperwork was recently filed that will permit both parents ample time with the child while also requiring them to work together on decisions that will most impact their child’s life. In addition, the documents stipulate that they will continue their son’s counseling as needed along with sessions that may include the parents either individually or jointly.

Neither party offered public comments concerning the end of their child custody battle. However, arriving at an agreement that grants a child shared time with his or her parents is often the best possible outcome in many circumstances, though there are situations that require contact with a parent to be limited. Colorado families, who are finding it difficult to work out a parenting plan or are struggling with other family law issues, may elect to seek guidance from an experienced attorney in order to find the best solutions for their particular needs.

Source: People, “Robin Thicke and Paula Patton End Custody Battle“, Melody Chiu, Aug. 18, 2017

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