Steps for moving on during and after a Colorado divorce

When a spouse is just preparing to end a marriage, it can seem as if that process will last indefinitely. In reality, however, divorce is a life event that spans only a small period of time. There will be plenty of good days on the horizon, and many people find comfort in starting on the path of being single as soon as their divorce is initiated. While most experts advise against taking on a new relationship right away, there are many other aspects to being single, and delving into those can help maintain balance during and after a Colorado divorce.

One of the most empowering things about ending a marriage is the return to focusing on one’s own wants and needs. Being in a relationship entails a great deal of compromise, whether the topic is where to spend the holidays or how to decorate the house. Once a divorce is underway and both spouses are living separately, it should be time to create a home that reflects one’s individual tastes and preferences. For some, a few coats of paint can make the family home feel like new. Others might purchase new furniture for the bedroom.

Another good way to focus on the future is to take on a new or long-neglected pastime or hobby. Many people set aside their more time-consuming pursuits when they become involved in a relationship. Divorce is the perfect opportunity to get back into running, photography or another interest. Some spouses will use this time to try something they have always wanted to learn more about and will find fulfillment in checking something off their bucket list.

Divorce will require a great deal of a Colorado spouse’s time and focus. It is important to attend to any legal tasks that are required during the process and to ensure that the divorce is moving forward in a timely manner. However, there will also be plenty of down time as an individual transitions from married to single. Using that downtime to reconfigure one’s life in a way that is personally fulfilling is a great use of time and energy.

Source: The Huffington Post, “7 Steps To Find Your New Normal After Divorce“, Melissa L. Smith, June 27, 2016

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