How parents can keep holidays cheery while they are divorcing

If you are currently working your way through the divorce process or have recently finalized it, you may not be in the mood for a “Holly Jolly Christmas.” However, if you have children, it is probably important to you that they have a happy holiday season. Unfortunately, the holidays can be challenging in the wake of a divorce, partially because many of your former traditions may not be able to play out in the same ways that they used to.

If you and your former spouse have not yet decided how you will split time with your kids during the holidays, please make an effort to work that out. If your co-parent will not cooperate, it may benefit you to have your attorney talk to your former spouse’s attorney. Working details out now will allow your child time to adjust to the new holiday “plan” and will allow you time to adjust to it as well.

When your children is with you, do not hesitate to do whatever you believe is best for all of you. If traveling long distances to be with loved ones is something that you all want, go right ahead. But if you and your children would be much happier staying at home this year, please consider doing so. Divorce is unquestionably hard and it is important to adjust your plans and expectations if you and your children’s needs have evolved as a result of this process.

By planning ahead and putting you and your children’s needs first, you will be better suited for giving your children a happy holiday.


: The Huffington Post, “Divorcing? A Few Dos and Don’ts to Help Keep the Holidays Bright for Your Kids,” Cheryl and Joe Dillon, Dec. 2, 2014

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